Willie Nelson Guitar Name, Age, Hole, Worth

Willie Nelson Guitar is not just a guitar, it is an emotion for Willie and has its own character. Willie Nelson, the country musician, pop singer, weed scofflaw, and rancher’s companion, is also a jazz performer. He makes do, plays what he feels, commits errors, and plays some more, continuously returning to the tune, humming around it like a honey bee. A few guitarists are cautious about each note; they handle their instruments as cautiously as a painter handles a brush. Willie treats his guitar like a pony, and he rides him hard.

Willie Nelson Guitar Name, Age, Hole, Worth

Willie Nelson Guitar Name, Model and History

“Trigger” is the name of Nelson’s guitar, which is a Martin N-20 classical guitar model with nylon-strings in it. Nelson named it ‘Trigger’ after the popular Roy Roger’s (cowboy) horse. Willie treats his guitar like a pony, and he rides him hard. It had a long history before it reached the hands of the country songwriter. The guitar was a flawless instrument, with a warm, sweet tone and a pretty “smooth yellow” shading. Sitka spruce from the Pacific Northwest was used to make the top of this iconic guitar. Brazilian rosewood was used for the back and sides, African ebony was used for the fretboard and bridge, and Amazon maghony was used for the neck.

As it was Martin’s product, all the cutting, shaping, gluing, and polishing took place in the Martin guitar factory in Pennsylvania. In the event that the guitar had been delivered to New York or Chicago, it could have been bought by a sprouting flamenco guitarist or a Segovia wannabe. Rather, it was shipped off to a guitarist in Nashville named Shot Jackson, who fixed and sold guitars out of a shop close to the Fabulous Ole Opry. Finally, in 1969, it was purchased by a striving country vocalist, a person who had a pig ranch, a weak marriage, and a horrible record bargain at that time.

The Story of Willie Nelson Meeting His Guitar Trigger

Willie’s granddad got him a guitar when he was only six years of age. It was on that instrument that he took in his initial knowledge of not many guitar chords. Afterward, Nelson started singing gospel melodies in church. He composed his most memorable melody at seven years of age, and when he was nine, he played guitar for a nearby band named Bohemian Polka.

Nelson took admission at Abbott Secondary School, where he played halfback in the football crew and in the b-ball group. Subsequent to leaving school in 1950, Nelson enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, where he served for a very long time before a clinical release because of back issues. Afterward, he was employed by guitar educator Paul Buskirk for teaching purposes. He composed melodies, too, and sold them for a few hundred dollars.

Willie Nelson Guitar Name, Age

In 1969, during a music show in Helotes, Texas, Willie left the guitar on the floor of the stage and it was subsequently stepped on by an alcoholic person. Nelson then sent his broken guitar to Nashville for repair by Shot Jackson, but Jackson told Willie that the guitar was very much damaged and could not be repaired. But Jackson offered Willie a Martin N-20 classical nylon-string guitar for $750, and the deal was finalised. 

In 1991, the IRS was dogging Nelson for back installments. Nelson was very worried about his guitar (Trigger). He thought that IRS would take his guitar too, so he asked her daughter Lana to take Trigger with her. In 1993, when Willie’s debt was paid off, his daughter gave Trigger back to him.

Willie Nelson Guitar Age

Many of us wonder how old Willie Nelson’s guitar is. Believe it or not, it is older than most of you reading this article. Trigger is 52 years old as of 2022. This guitar has played more than 10,000 musical shows and around 85 studio recordings. The original fret remains on the trigger, but the buzz sound is now common in this vintage instrument. Nelson never fixed his guitar’s problems as he believed that Trigger’s ageing gave another level of sound. As when humans grow older, their voices get more mature, so is the case with Willie’s beloved guitar.

Willie Nelson Guitar Hole

Although Trigger is famous for many things, the giant hole in the middle of its body is the most attractive thing. Nelson plays no guitar other than Trigger. Consistent playing with a guitar pick over the numerous many years has worn a huge hole in the body around the sound hole. Trigger has no “pick guard” since it’s a nylon string guitar and intended to be finger-picked.

Willie Nelson Guitar Trigger Hole

Furthermore, its body has the signatures of more than a hundred of Willie’s companions and collaborators, including many musicians, attorneys, and football trainers. Leon Russell (songwriter) was the first person to sign on to Trigger. When Russell requested that he sign his, Willie decided to get signatures on his own guitar. Nelson thought it would make the instrument more important.

Willie Nelson Guitar Worth

Willie bought Trigger for $750 in 1969, but in current dollars, it is worth $4,838, which is quite a massive amount. Willie Nelson’s guitar, “The Trigger,” is one of the most famous instruments in music history. Trigger is actually a Martin N-20 classical guitar, which he bought for $750 in 1969, but current Willie Nelson Guitar worth is estimated to be around $800,000 to $900,000. In 1998, Martin Guitar Co. built a very limited Model N-20WN guitar in collaboration with Willie and sold them at great prices.


The Trigger is something beyond a guitar to Willie Nelson – it’s a piece of him. It has been with him through various challenges and assisted him with making the most loved songs in country music history. The Trigger is stand-out and will constantly be associated with its special sound and history. On the off chance that you honestly love Willie Nelson, you ought to realize that Trigger is a legend by its own doing.

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