How Fast Can a Beginner Learn to Play an Acoustic Guitar? 

How Fast Can a Beginner Learn to Play an Acoustic Guitar? Can you learn guitar in 2 months? Everybody who picks up a guitar for the very first time wants to know the answer to these questions. So let’s find out actually How quickly can you learn the guitar?

How Fast Can a Beginner Learn to Play an Acoustic Guitar? 

How Fast Can a Beginner Learn to Play an Acoustic Guitar?

The guitar has been an exceptionally captivating instrument for a long time and has been viewed as perhaps of the coolest instrument. You can get it, however you can’t figure out how to play it without training.

The key to success in guitar is consistent practice. 

According to our conviction, to learn and to have the option to play any instrument smoothly, you really want to have that instrument. Indeed, truth be told, on the grounds that the guitar is something useful and can never be played with hypothetical information as it were. So get yourself a guitar first.

  • The initial step is to foster an interest in learning the guitar. One can never dominate something which isn’t to their interest.
  • So you have gotten yourself a guitar? On the off chance that indeed, you may ponder “How quickly can you learn the guitar?”
  • Indeed, in the event that you believe that in only half a month you can go from zero to legend, That is unimaginable.
  • Replies to this question differ. However, one component that actions your advancement is the all out time spent on rehearsing guitar.
  • Remember that each individual learns at an alternate rate contingent on their time committed towards training and learning.

Without patience, never think of learning the guitar.

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How quickly can you learn the guitar and how much time do you need to practice?

1 to 90 days Progress

The absolute first thing you really want to comprehend is that there is no alternate route technique to learning guitar. The guitar needs predictable practice. You can ascertain your advancement in guitar playing by how much time you put resources into practicing.

First Month: On the off chance that you have quite recently begun your guitar process, you will require basically a month to make your fingers move over the guitar frets. All things considered, that likewise relies on your time interest practically speaking. Subject matter authorities agree, in the event that you are a fledgling, attempt to spend no less than 1 hour of the day for the primary month. In the event that you can rehearse more, you can anticipate quicker results. In a month, you will actually want to play a few tunes like “Happy birthday” on your guitar.

The primary month will require the most elevated level of your patience. You need to more than once practice exactly the same things over and over. You might get disappointed, yet don’t stop. That is the vast majority’s specialty. They quit.

Second Month: If you stick with your lessons for a month, you should be able to play a few guitar scales. Again, it depends upon your practice. We suggest you increase your practise time from 1 hour to 2 hours per day in the second month.

Third Month: As indicated by us, you really want something like 3 months to begin playing essential guitar with tunes. In these 3 months, you will actually want to cover a few fundamental open chords like G C D Am E. With these chords, you can play a few tunes as well. This is an average data, and “progress might vary from one individual to another relying upon their training.”

As indicated by our response to How Fast Can a Beginner Learn to Play an Acoustic Guitar? Atleast 3-4 months are expected to become familiar with the essentials of acoustic guitar.

Continuously recall that there is no standard to learning guitar aside from steady practice. “The more you practice, the better you get at it.” 

No outline of calculative practice time can depict your learning; it absolutely relies on your time venture and practice. Above all, how about we compute the quantity of hours you’ve spent rehearsing so we can estimate your future outcomes.

LevelPractice Time
(Per day)
Time Period
Basic 1 – 2 hours 4 – 5 months
Intermediate 2 – 3 hours 5 – 12 months
Advanced 2 – 3 hours 1.5 – 3 years
Professional 2 – 4 hours 3 – 6 years
Master 3 – 4 hours 6 – 12 years

Basic Level

This stage of the guitar journey is most crucial, as most newbies quit in their early days of practice. It is the hard work and your regular determination towards practise that keeps you sticking with what you started at first. You need to spend at least one or two hours every day on guitar practise during the basic level stage. You will learn to cover open chords and barre chords during this stage and will be able to play many of your favourite songs. It takes almost 4 to 5 months to get to this level.

Intermediate Level

You will need to practise at least two to three hours every day and it will take around five to twelve months to achieve this level. You can play some song leads and can even write your own music.

Advanced Level

Those who reach this level need to practise two to three hours per day. If you follow this schedule of practise continuously for 3 years, then you will be at this level. You can give guitar tuition to others and can easily earn money by playing shows. You will be good enough to perform on stage.

Professional Level

As the name suggests, you will be known as professional guitarists, ones who have made guitar playing their profession. You will be recording albums in music studios and be able to perform any song by just listening to it. But to achieve this success, you need to devote three to four hours every day for around three to six years.

Master Level

If you ever reach this level, you will be referred to as a guitar master. You will be able to play any sound that can be played on a guitar. You can play concerts, you can play for famous singers, and you can also start your own music school. But remember, nothing comes for free. You need to spend almost your whole day with the guitar. You will achieve this level by continuous practise for around six to twelve years.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope you found this information useful, and if you have any corrections or suggestions, please comment below.

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